Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What a Cutie

Baby Cash chillin in the boppy

Cash sportin the drumming robot T-shirt

Grandpas Love Cash

Papa holding his grandson

Gaumpy snuggles Cash

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Welcome Home Cash!

Mimi and Gaumpy decorated the mail box for Cash's arrival

Its a boy... welcome home!

Looking hot... ready to go!

Ready for his first car ride

We got discharged from the hospital today at about 12:30. Cash and Carrie are doing very well. Cash loves being at home with his parents, Lily, and extended family visting.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Father and Son

Friends and Family

Cash meets his cousin Carsen Rome Henry (born September 24th)

Cash's first friend... Ronin George Peterson (left), born on December 25th

First Diaper Change

Mom changes Cash's first (of many to come) diaper

Cash's first outfit... sweet hat!

Mom cuddles Cash

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birth Day Cash!

He's finally here! Today, December 28th at 6:55pm, Cash was born. He weighed 8 lbs 3 ounces and was 21 inches tall. It was a long, hard labor that started when Carrie had her water broken at 10:30. Carrie was such a trooper... and she is doing very well!

Baby Cash is super healthy and unbelievably cute.

More tomorrow.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Note From Dad

Dear Cash,

You are still two and a half weeks away from being born; that is, if you come on your due date, December 23rd, 2008. Before you are born, I want to write you a note about life. So here goes:

First off, know that Mom and Dad will always love you; there is nothing you can do that will ever change that.

Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul; having a relationship with the creator is unbelievable.

Always be kind to others; even if they aren't kind to you.

Enjoy life; have fun, laugh, and be adventurous.

Travel as much as you can; seeing the world helps shape your perspective.

Be close with your grandparents; they are wonderful and wise, and they love you without end.

Go outside often; enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

Take care of the environment; God only gave us one earth, do what you can to ensure your kids can enjoy it too.

Don't be afraid to be creative; art enriches the world.

Be passionate; have convictions and stick to them, no matter what anybody else says.

Take care of the less fortunate; loving and caring for them will change you for the better.

Listen to people's stories; they can teach you a lot.

Value education; it will take you far in life.

Try new things; variety is the spice of life.

Be quick to forgive; you'll be less burdened.

Be a gentleman; open the door for ladies.

Have a gentle spirit; be slow to anger.

And when in doubt, always be on the side of compassion and love.

Your mother and I love you more than you'll every know,
